Watch a short video below on how to update your photos, videos, and virtual tours as private.

How it Benefits Agents:
You will no longer need to delete photos, videos, and virtual tours to prevent them from being seen by the public. You’ll be able to mark photos as private to remove them from public view, while retaining value for other members as they use listing photos to build CMAs or conduct appraisals.

How it Benefits Your Buyers / Homeowners:
Your buyers / homeowners will no longer have privacy concerns about photos of their home on the internet. This addresses a question we often hear about removing photos from online portals and other sites after a sale has closed.

How it Benefits the MLS:
This enhancement will help the MLS retain important historical records and keep listings intact. Visual media support the value of the MLS and helps make the market work.

How Private Mode Works For Photos, Videos and Virtual Tours
You are now able to mark photos, videos, and virtual tours as private, which means that they’ll be viewable by MLS members only. They will not be available to the public via the consumer portal, subscription emails, or shared links.
