NAR Settlement and MLS Rule Change Resources


Connect with Respect: Taking Pride in Pride Month

In honor of June as Pride Month, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee will be hosting the second Connect with Respect Event on June 24th. We will be joined by Tom Janis, Founding Member & VP of the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance, and Scott Fitzmaurice, Executive Director of the Cape & Islands Gay and Straight Youth Alliance for a discussion on communicating effectively and respectfully with members of the LGBTQ+ community and how to advocate for and support LGBTQ+ homeownership. You are encouraged to bring your own experiences and questions to this open conversation with your fellow REALTORS® to explore how to cultivate more awareness and inclusivity for the LQBTQ+ community through the real estate transaction and beyond!

To help facilitate our discussion, we encourage you to share your own experiences with these topics through our anonymous survey - please click here to provide your feedback.

CCRES PD Elective Image - Sales and Management

This class does not meet Massachusetts Continuing Education requirements.