Local Legislator Meeting - June 15th

With the region facing an inventory and home affordability crisis, it has never been more important for REALTORS® to have their voice heard on the key issues impacting Cape Cod and the Islands. REALTORS® have the expertise and understanding of the real estate market that is key to crafting legislation and solutions that work to solve these issues while protecting private property rights and promoting homeownership.
CCIAOR is hosting Zoom sessions with our local legislators on June 14th and 15th as part of the MAR virtual Week of Advocacy. These sessions are your chance to get a first hand update from your legislators about key programs and legislation that could impact our region, and to make your voice heard on the issues that matter to you and the real estate industry.
Wednesday, June 15 will feature:
- Senator Julian Cyr
- Representative David Vieira
- Representative Steven Xiarhos
- Representative Kip Diggs
CCIAOR will also be hosting a Local Legislator Meeting on June 14th. To register, click here.