NAR Settlement and MLS Rule Change Resources


Own Your Privacy

Join MAR for their upcoming webinar - Own Your Privacy.

January 28, 2022 | 10 AM - 11 AM

Whether you are an individual or a business, personal information is like money ... so we should all value it and protect it!

January 28th is National Data Privacy Day, so in this webinar, we will focus on two primary objectives:

· Educating individuals on how their information is collected, shared, and used. How to protect personal data,

including recommendations to help ensure kids online privacy.

· Teaching businesses to respect their customers’ privacy, thereby enabling trust, including what actions/considerations

organizations should employ when trying to protect personal data.


Wade Richmond, Founder & CEO CISO ToGo, LLC

For any questions, please contact MAR's Senior Marketing and Events Coordinator, Lauren Antone.

This class does not meet Massachusetts Continuing Education requirements.