NAR Settlement and MLS Rule Change Resources


Stay Safe - REALTOR® Safety for Vacation Rentals

Increasing safety and reducing liability in our short-term rental properties is maybe not the sexiest of topics, but certainly a crucial one.

You know you need to address safety in your rentals to avoid harm to your guests, avoid lawsuits, and increase the marketability of your rentals, but how do you go about doing that? In this presentation, Justin Ford — Breezeway® Director of Safety & Certification Programs, and International Short-Term Rental Safety Expert — will discuss safety as it applies to short-term rentals in a way that you won't find boring or 'dry'. Yes - safety can be interesting and fun!

Justin's session will help you establish protocols, procedures, and best-demonstrated practices to reduce your liability, minimize risk, and keep your guests safer. He'll also present on all the latest tools and devices on the market as they apply to safety in short-term rental homes. Attendees will also get discounts on the latest certification programs for their rentals.

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This class does not meet Massachusetts Continuing Education requirements.