Zoomed in on Real Estate
Join us for Zoomed In on Real Estate on August 16th to hear about the Grow Smart Cape Cod mapping project from the Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) and the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC).
This innovative project will help guide land use planning decisions of year-round affordable housing while balancing the protection of the region’s natural resources and environment. Its goal is to reduce the competition between conservation and development interests in the region. Grow Smart Cape Cod uses the best available data and GIS mapping tools to help identify priority areas for year-round housing while protecting natural resources.
Attend this upcoming webinar to learn how you as a REALTOR® can advise clients, find more potential buyers for land, and how you can utilize its content to benefit your clients. Presenters include Don Keeran, the Deputy Director of APCC, and David Quinn the Director of Housing Development and Planning at HAC. Don’t miss this important Zoomed In on Real Estate!

This class does not meet Massachusetts Continuing Education requirements.