Please follow the instructions below to check your progress completing the requirements for the Cape Cod Real Estate Specialist (CCRES) Designation.
If you do not see the Cape Cod RE Specialist in your Education Tracking History, you have yet to take any of applicable classes.
The Advocay and Transaction requirements will not be included in the report and must be listed on your application once you have met all the requirements.
If you have completed all of the requirements to achieve your Cape Cod Real Estate Specialist Designation please complete the CCRES Designation Application.
Step By Step Instructions for checking your CCRES Requirements:
Click Here to view your Education Information. Note you may need to login to your account first.
Click "Personal Education Tracking"

Click "Cape Cod RE Specialist" to view your full tracking report.
If you do not see "Cape Cod RE Specialist" as an option you have not taken any of the required courses within the last 12 months. The tracking for the designation will be automatically added to your account once you have completed one of the required classes for the designation. You will then have 12 months from that date to complete the remaining requirements to obtain the designation. To view the required classes, please visit:
As the Advocacy requirement will only be noted via your completed application, it will not generate the "Cape Cod RE Specialist" Tracking within your account.

A PFD report will generate, listing out the applicable courses for CCRES along with completion history. To help you better understand the report we highlighted an example report below.
At the top, noted in yellow you will see your "State Date" and "Deadline". The Start Date is established by the first qualifying class you completed with in the last 12 months.

On the right side of the report under "Courses Available", you have the required categories followed by their available courses. Please note, the Advocacy and Transaction requirements for the designation will not be tracked on this report - instead, you will need to verify you've met these requirements on your application to obtain the designation. Please note, classes will continue to be added.
On the left of the document under "Courses Taken", you will see the date the course was completed along with the location.
The solid boxes on the right are the number of "Total Credits Required" and the solid boxes on the left show the corresponding credits completed in that category.

To learn more about the Cape Cod Real Estate Specialist Designation, including completing requirements and upcoming classes, please visit
If you have completed all of the requirements to achieve your Cape Cod Real Estate Specialist Designation please complete the CCRES Designation Application. For questions regarding the CCRES Designation please email