NAR Settlement and MLS Rule Change Resources


Leadership Development Committee

The role of the Leadership Development Committee is to recruit and qualify candidates for the Board of Directors and to oversee the annual Board of Directors election process ensuring compliance with the CCIAOR and CCIMLS Bylaws. Recruitment involves identifying current and projected vacancies on the board, assessing the composition of the current board and identifying gaps in competencies or demographics, and finding and recruiting potential candidates.

The Leadership Development Committee is also charged with developing a position description for board members to inform prospective candidates of qualifications in terms of their experience and background and what will be expected of them if they join the board.

The Leadership Development Committee shall be composed of seven (7) CCIAOR members. No member seeking elected office for that year shall be appointed to serve. The CCIAOR Immediate Past President shall serve as the chairperson. There is no vice-chairperson. No other members of the Board of Directors shall serve on the committee.

Staff Liaison

Smith Danielle0907
Danielle Smith
Vice President of Administration 508-957-4314 email

Upcoming Meetings

Committee Members