Announcing the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS® 2022 Award Recipients
June 3, 2022 Events & Programs Updates, Industry News

Each year, CCIAOR recognizes our members who go above and beyond to serve their clients and the community with our annual association awards. These awards spotlight REALTORS® who are leaders not only in the real estate industry and in our association, but those who make a difference in their communities as well.
Congratulations to the REALTORS® who are being recognized as this year's award recipients and read a little bit more about them below! The award recipients were recognized at the CCIAOR Summer Soiree on June 2nd at the Pelham House Resort which was generously sponsored by CCIAOR affiliate Cape Cod 5.
2022 REALTOR® of the Year
Jeffrey Clonts shares why Katie Clancy deserves the 2022 REALTOR® of the Year award.
Katie Clancy Named CCIAOR REALTOR® of the Year
The 2022 CCIAOR REALTOR® of the Year is Katie Clancy. Katie serves on the local level on the CCIMLS Board of Directors and other local committees, and is a nationally-recognized real estate speaker and instructor. Katie has been a speaker at the Inman Connect conference, the MAR Conference and more. Her "What's Good Cape Cod?" series spotlights local businesses, elevating the communities in which she lives and works. She is a sought-after speaker on 'cause marketing' and how it can benefit a real estate business, and has taught her "Happy Camp" sessions to brokerages and associations across the country. Additionally, she was one of the keynote speakers at the Oysters & Champagne event by the Housing Assistance Corporation last year, where she spoke about the help the organization provided her. She has also supported HAC through a unique partnership with 3 Fins on a coffee roast with proceeds benefitting HAC, and led the effort to develop a signature drink at the Harvest Wine Bar with proceeds supporting the Dennis Conservation Trust. Katie is a supporter of the William Raveis Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.
2022 Charles F. Lockhart Distinguished Service Award
Joan Witter shares the contributions that Cindy Lee Caldwell has made to the association throughout her career.
Cindy Lee Caldwell Honored With Charles F. Lockhart Distinguished Achievement Award
The 2022 Charles F. Lockhart Distinguished Service Award recipient is Cindy Lee Caldwell. Cindy Lee has been in the real estate business since the age of 16, while she as still in high school. She has been an active member of the association since 1983, and during her time in the association she has served as President of CCIAOR and CCIMLS, served as a MAR Director three times, and is the chair of the Falmouth MLS Tour. Cindy Lee has been heavily involved with the Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) and actively participates in their annual Telethon for Hope which raises funds for more than 6,000 people who come into Housing Assistance on an annual basis seeking a safe, stable place to call home.
2022 Good Neighbor Award - Jac Augat
Lily House Board Member highlights Jac's contributions to the organization since its founding.
Jac Augat Receives CCIAOR’s ‘Good Neighbor’ Award
Jac Augat is a recipient of the 2022 CCIAOR Good Neighbor Award. Jac serves as the Vice President of the Lily House, an organization with a mission to provide around-the-clock hospice care in a peaceful and compassionate environment at no cost to those in need. In 2021, Jac served as the chairperson of the Building and Grounds Committee, putting his REALTOR® experience to work ensuring that the Lily House's acquisition of a home in Wellfleet went smoothly. His contributions include assisting the organization in receiving a Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® Charitable Foundation grant, researching and finding an available property for the community home and ultimately securing it at no cost.
Jac and his wife are a member of the Founder's Circle for the Lily House, pledging to give a minimum of $10,000 per year for three years.
2022 Good Neighbor Award - Pam Roberts
Kim Bourgea, Executive Director of HECH, and CCIAOR member Sunny Fellman talk about the work Pam Roberts has done in the community.
Pam Roberts Receives CCIAOR’s ‘Good Neighbor’ Award
Pam Roberts is a recipient of the 2022 CCIAOR Good Neighbor Award. She has been a longtime board member of the Harwich Ecumenical Council for Housing (HECH), working to procure grants and fundraising for the organization among other responsibilities. HECH currently manages 50 rental units, a Children's Center and a community-based preschool in the town of Harwich and offers other emergency as needed. Pam has worked with HECH since its inception in 1991, always stepping up to serve in HECH's fundraising events, and has used her connections and involvement as a REALTOR® secure MAR grants on behalf of the organization.
2022 Affiliate of the Year - Starkweather & Shepley Insurance
CCIAOR CEO Ryan Castle talks about what makes Starkweather & Shepley such a valuable affiliate member of the association.
Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Named CCIAOR Affiliate of the Year
Starkweather & Shepley Insurance is the 2022 CCIAOR Affiliate of the Year. Starkweather & Shepley Insurance and CCIAOR formed a strategic alliance in the fall of 2020, to offer a special member benefit for home and auto personal insurance, and to share Starkweather's industry expertise with CCIAOR members. They have also been a major contributor in the community, sponsoring beach cleanups on Martha's Vineyard and are a generous donor to fundraising efforts for the Housing Assistance Corporation. Since the start of the partnership, Starkweather has donated home goods and volunteered their time to help transport more than sixty Welcome Home baskets donated by CCIAOR members to Housing Assistance in Hyannis, for HAC’s client families transitioning to their first homes. Each year, Starkweather has also donated $1500 to continue their commitment to the Welcome Home program.