Meet the 2020 Board of Directors Candidates

The following individuals have been certified as candidates for election to the 2020 CCIAOR and CCIMLS Board of Directors. There is a contested race for Large Firm Director and uncontested races for President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer and Small Firm Director.

There were no petitions submitted for President-Elect or Medium Firm Director. Pursuant to the CCIAOR and CCIMLS bylaws, the Board of Directors has excercised their authority to appoint a President-Elect to the ballot. The Board named Annie Blatz to the ballot for CCIAOR & CCIMLS President-Elect.

With a pending Governance Task Force assembling this winter, where staff will be recommending changes to the board composition and specifically changes to firm size seats that would change the Medium Firm Director, the Board of Directors has decided not to name a Medium Firm Director to the ballot at this time, and will allow the Governance Task Force the time to do its work.

Electronic voting for the 2020 Board of Directors will open on November 5th and will close on November 12th. Election results will be tallied and announced at the CCIAOR/CCIMLS Annual Meeting on November 13th at 9 AM at the CCIAOR Conference Center.

To learn more about the candidates, please visit our 2020 Board of Directors Candidates page or join us at one of the upcoming MLS Tours listed below.

Click the candidate's photos below to learn more about each candidate!

Candidate for President-Elect

Annie Blatz Headshot
Annie Blatz
CCIAOR Past President & CCIMLS At-Large Director 508-237-3727 email

Candidates for Large Company Director

Emily Clark BOD Headshot
Emily Clark
CCIAOR & CCIMLS Immediate Past President (2025) 339-832-9058 email

Candidate for Small Firm Director

Laura clements 2021 no background
Laura Clements
CCIMLS Director (2025-2026) 978-835-2818 email