Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Inspection Requirement Deferred by Governor Baker
March 20, 2020 Government & Community Affairs

At the urging of your REALTOR® Association, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued an executive order deferring the requirement of allowing smoke detector and carbon monoxide alarm certificate inspections as required under Sections 26F and 26F½ of Chapter 148 of the General Laws so long as:
- The Parties to the sale or transfer have agreed in writing that the buyer assumes responsibility for equipping the property with approved smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms.
- The buyer agrees as a condition of taking title to equip the property with approved smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms immediately upon taking title.
- An inspection as otherwise required under sections 26F and 26F½ occurs no more than 90 days after the state of emergency is lifted.
The Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® legal staff has drafted an addendum that you may use to satisfy the conditions of this executive order.