Support Team CCIAOR in the HAC Walk for Hope!
May 25, 2021 Government & Community Affairs

Cape Cod REALTORS® are joining the Housing Assistance Corporation Walk for Hope this year and we encourage our members to be a part of it - by walking, donating or both! We are walking because the need for safe, stable housing in our region is greater than ever before, and because REALTORS® know that housing is critical to healthy neighborhoods, and healthy communities.
Help us reach our goal of raising $2,500 to connect our neighbors to safe, stable housing by donating to the CCIAOR team. You can also join your fellow REALTOR® Team members at the association office on Saturday, June 26th anytime between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm to walk the Rail Trail in support of the Walk for Hope. CCIAOR will provide water, snacks and Cape REALTORS® Care tee-shirts to all member participants.
Click below to donate online or to join the CCIAOR team!