NAR Settlement and MLS Rule Change Resources


Zoomed in on Real Estate

October 30th Zoomed In On Real Estate: The Latest on the Anti-Trust Compensation Litigation and Upcoming Changes to CCIMLS, and an CCIAOR Bylaw Change Vote in November

On the next Zoomed In on Real Estate, we will be providing key membership and industry updates that include:

  • Updates on the litigation legislation over compensation in the Nosalek v. MLS PIN case and subsequent settlement and the Sitzer, Burnett v. NAR trial that starts today;
  • As a result of these lawsuits and settlements, CCIMLS is making important changes to its MLS rules that we will roll out on this webinar;
  • And we will preview an upcoming CCIAOR bylaws vote, where CCIAOR is changing the composition of its Board of Directors to make it more representative of the membership. Click HERE to read a board memo that spells out the proposed bylaw changes.
    • Please note: The bylaws vote will take place at the end of November, but, per our bylaws, the association is required to hold an informational meeting 30 days in advance. Zoomed in on Real Estate constitutes this required virtual meeting.

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