Check out a new feature - Cloud CMA LIVE
May 5, 2020 Member Benefits, MLS Updates

We’ve all heard it before – you gotta list to last!
And while running your own real estate business comes with a lot of different responsibilities, making the most of the time you have in front of clients at the listing appointment is critical to your success.
And the good news is there is a new feature released today in Cloud CMA that will help you make a great impression, easily establish yourself as the neighborhood expert, and win more listings!
Check out 5 reasons Cloud CMA LIVE is right for you and your clients. It launched today within Cloud CMA, a member benefit of CCIMLS.
Introducing, Cloud CMA Live.
Cloud CMA Live is a brand new, interactive listing presentation experience that you and your clients will love, and it’s free for all CCIMLS and MVMLS members inside your Cloud CMA account. Designed to supplement your classic printed Cloud CMA reports, Cloud CMA Live gives you the freedom and flexibility to present your CMA however you want.
Cloud CMA Live keeps your branding front and center, utilizes and updates in real-time with MLS data, and makes you look awesome in front of your clients with a beautifully designed user experience alongside new charts and graphs.
With Cloud CMA Live, you can:
- Update comps on the fly.
We’ve all been there – you’re in your listing presentation and your client asks about a property you didn’t use as a comp in your CMA report. Typically, this is a moment where you have to say, “I’ll get back to you” because your print report’s data is static. But, now you can add or remove comps on the fly with Cloud CMA Live.
The best way to use Cloud CMA Live is in addition to your print Cloud CMA report. Do your presentation using Cloud CMA Live, and leave behind a designer, print CMA report as a memorialization of the time spent with your clients.
- Draw attention to anywhere on the screen with the new “telestrator.”
Really command the room (whether it’s in person or on the computer) with our new “telestrator” tool. Easily make your point or highlight a key property detail in live time.

- Start a virtual meeting straight from within Cloud CMA Live.
With built-in integrations with Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype, you can easily start a meeting within Cloud CMA.
- Include custom content in your reports
Just like you can add custom pages to your print Cloud CMA report, you can also include custom content in your Cloud CMA Live report. If you share the presentation with a client prior to meeting, include a quick video to introduce yourself or share a client testimonial to give them an idea of what it’s like to work with you.
Training, Who Needs Training?
You already know how to create a Cloud CMA Live. That’s right! Anytime you create a Cloud CMA report, you’ll automatically get a Cloud CMA Live link.