CCIAOR Member Education Requirements
All REALTORS® who hold primary membership with CCIAOR are required to complete the Code of Ethics as well as a Fair Housing training every 3 years to maintain their membership. The fair housing requirement was approved by the CCIAOR membership in 2022 with the goal of increasing member knowledge and awareness of issues around fair housing, diversity, equity and inclusion in the real estate industry. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) adopted the Fair Housing training requirement beginning January 1st, 2025.
Currently, the Cycle 8 training requirement runs between January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027. CCIAOR members who do not complete the Code of Ethics requirement and/or the Fair Housing education requirement by December 31st, 2027 will have their membership suspended and be subject to a $250 reactivation fee.
If you have any questions about your member requirements, please contact Nicole Gaucher.
Code of Ethics Requirement
Per the National Association of REALTORS®, all REALTORS® must complete Cycle 8 of the Code of Ethics between January 1, 2025, and December 31, 2027, and for successive three (3) year periods thereafter to keep their membership active and in good standing.
Options for Completing the Code of Ethics
CCIAOR members have the following options for completing the Code of Ethics requirement by December 31st, 2027. If you complete the Code of Ethics requirement outside of CCIAOR, please send proof of completion to so we may update your account.
Complete the Code of Ethics requirement online through the National Association REALTORS® (NAR) for free with your member benefit at any time through their module-based offering.
Complete the Code of Ethics requirement online through the National Association REALTORS® (NAR) for free with your member benefit at any time through their module-based offering.
Complete the Code of Ethics requirement online through the Massachusetts Association REALTORS® (MAR) for free with your member benefit at any time through their module-based offering.
Register to attend an upcoming in person or webinar offering of the Code of Ethics through CCIAOR. All classes are free to CCIAOR members.
Fair Housing Education Requirement
Per the National Association of REALTORS®, effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027, and for successive three (3) year periods thereafter, each REALTOR® member of the association shall be required to complete one of the following Fair Housing continuing education courses or certifications.
Options for Completing Fair Housing training
CCIAOR members have the following options for completing the Fair Housing training requirement by December 31st, 2027. If you complete the Fair Housing requirement outside of CCIAOR, please send proof of completion to so we may update your account.
Protecting the Protected Classes Continuing Education Class (RE111RC) - This course is available on-demand through PEARL, CCIAOR's learning platform. Register Here.
Fair Housing Continuing Education Class (RE19RC)
Americans with Disabilities Act Continuing Education Class (RE21RC)
It’s a new era in NAR’s fictional online town of Fairhaven, where real estate pros navigate through real-life scenarios to confront fair housing dilemmas and discover solutions.
During your trip to Fairhaven, you’ll delve into critical fair housing issues, including how to avoid steering when clients ask about neighborhoods and schools; best practices in fair housing marketing; tactics to interrupt implicit bias; and how to stand up for clients when they face discrimination.
Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing is an NAR certificate course that helps real estate professionals interrupt stereotypical thinking so they can avoid fair housing pitfalls and provide equal professional service to every customer or client. Participants will learn about the mind science of identity; study how implicit bias can result in fair housing violations and engage in interactive exercises to enhance communication skills and business relationships with clients of all backgrounds.
The course work for the At Home with Diversity® (AHWD) certification is designed to enable you to work successfully with and within a rapidly changing multicultural market. It will help you to learn diversity sensitivity, how it applies to U.S. fair housing laws in your business, and ways to develop professional guidelines for working with people in the increasingly multicultural real estate market.
Applicable only if your business is primarily commercial real estate.
Education for commercial brokerages on the importance of understanding civil rights issues and understanding the importance of diversity and equity and inclusion.
New Member Requirements
All new members of CCIAOR are required to complete several requirements within the first months of their membership in order to stay in good standing. If you do not meet these requirements within the allotted time frame, your membership will be suspended until the requirements are fulfilled, so make sure to get them on your calendar!
REALTOR® members are individuals who hold an active real estate sales, broker or appraiser license and are affiliated with a Designated REALTOR® member.
Designated REALTOR® (DR) members are individuals who have been designated the ‘Broker in Charge’ of their office (i.e. sole proprietors, partners, corporate officers).